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Benepik Plus
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Benepik Plus
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Rewards & Recognition
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About us
Build People First Approach with
Our Stellar Features!
Seamless Integration
Real-time data sync
Automated processes
Plug & Play Solution
Easy setup
Global Catalogue
Analytics & reporting
Visa integration
Secure platform
Comprehensive rewards
WhatsApp Integration
Ease of access
High adoptability
Alerts & notifications
Other apps not required
Data Privacy
Data encryption
Access controls
Secure storage
Compliance with regulations
Real-Time Analytics
Budget tracking
Performance trend analysis
Customizable live reports
Immediate feedback
Global Catalogue
Global Reward Platform
Comprehensive Rewards
Visa Integration for global pay-outs
Secure platform with data encryption & protection
Multiple redemption options for employees & partners
WhatsApp Integration
High Adoptability
Alerts & notifications
No requirement of another App
Ease of access & redemption
Data Privacy & Security
Secure Storage: Secured database
Access Controls: Hierarchical access control for zero pilferage
Data Encryption: Industry-standard encryption protocols to protect sensitive employee information.
Compliance with Regulations: Compliance with all relevant data privacy and security regulations.
Real-Time Analytics
Monitor partner performance in real-time to quickly identify issues and opportunities.
Use the insights to make data-driven decisions and take action to optimize your channel program.
Collect data from your channel partners to gain insights into their performance, behavior, and needs.
Analyze the data to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement in your channel program.
Track and measure key performance metrics such as sales revenue, partner engagement, and customer satisfaction to monitor progress and success.
Guaranteed Success with Implementation Support
Dedicated Customer Success Manager: Collaborate closely with our CSM to align program goals, ensuring every step drives success.
Remarkable Customer Support: Unmatched assistance to end users for any redemption related queries.
Proactive Guidance: Active identification of potential roadblocks and opportunities.
Expert Training: Give your team comprehensive and tailored training from our tech experts.
Quick & Easy Integration
Integrate our Rewards Tool with your existing system conveniently.
Elevate the program's effectiveness, align it better with objectives, and save time in the process.
Secure API Integration with hassle free data and information flow.
From HRMS and communication platforms to surveys and CRMs, we've got all aspects covered.